Monday, July 7, 2014

Zach Blew Up After the POV Ceremony And the Game Finally Begins Monday July 7 Big Brother 16 Live Feeds

Holy crap!  There is no better way to start this post.  Zach finally blew his top when Devin took Brittany off the block and put him up.  Now, lets backtrack real quick to yesterday.  (Insert dreamy flashback music here)

Yesterday and throughout last night Zach began to suffer from some sort of BB breakdown. It may have been brought on by homesickness, or maybe lack of sleep and food as he is a have not this week, or maybe it was pain from realizing his boy Frankie was standing behind him twisting the knife for Devin.  But either way, it was SAD!

Last night things were looking grim...Zach had dared to go up against Devin by confronting him about saying he doesn't trust him.  Obviously in a moment of madness he told Devin (quite vehemently) that he thought he should go ahead and take Brittany down and put him up in her place.  Since Devin was already planning on taking Brittany down after deciding he not only did not dislike her, but in reality has a crush on her.  WTF?  Devin is friggin bi-polar! But anyway, Zach appeared to be a victim of his own demise.  He had even retired to the living room couch, assuming his position for burial...all indications were that poor Zach had all but given up the ghost.

All I could think of was Zach interview where he said he'd lie, cheat, steal and even kill to win the game.  I literally yelled "Get up! It's f-ing KILL TIME ZACH!!!"  But he didn't hear me....

Now let's jump ahead to today.  It started for Paola when Devin woke her up to let her know that DR was calling her...and then clued her in that he'd not be honoring their agreement concerning pulling her off the block.  While assuring her she wasn't going home though, it went over like a ton of bricks. Then came the highly anticipated POV Ceremony.  Lord Devin stood before his fellow house guests and gave what is likely to be a very lengthy speech.  We know this since he spent a loooong time practicing his bizarre speech with the best audience he has ever had.
While the ceremony was taking place, Zach and Paola had a bit of an airing of grievances.  Sounds like Zach had quite the list too!  He has cast doubt on Caleb, Amber, Devin and Frankie by calling them untrustworthy.  He has also called Paola out as a liar that tried to throw the POV competition at Devin's request, of course.  But of course, nothing happens in the house that isn't part of Devin's will, right?  

When feeds return following the POV Ceremony, Frankie is not too happy with Zach.  Frankie says things like " I have no idea why you would do that to me...just terrible."  Really Frankie?  Really?  You have no idea?  

Frankie makes his rounds through the house guests telling them all how he can't believe what Zach has done.  He talks to everyone and his shpiel changes depending on the audience.  Caleb and he get together on more than one occasion to Zach bash.  Caleb even says at one point that he feels Zach was threatening him in his speech.  ROFL!!!  

To cut out a lot of the BS, Hayden was asked to join the Bomb Squad alliance.  He didn't want to agree to this, but in usual Devin fashion, he pushes until Hayden says what he needs to in order to be let out of captivity.  It absolutely delighted me to hear Frankie say "This got so fucked so fast!!"  ROFL LMAO  I LOVE this!  Today is a perfect example of why all of us BB addicts continue to buy live feeds every year.  There are so many conversations going on you can't keep up.  You can read 10 blogs on this and every one will have something new because it is impossible for anyone to get all of this insanity!  Zach not only recovered from his terrible funk from yesterday, but he came up swinging and screaming too!  Way to go!!  Now the game is really on!  

Someone in there said earlier that Zach had "reset the game" with his speech.  I don't know about that, but I do know he rocked the boat so hard a few almost fell off!

Right now, or as of the last moment I was watching, Zach believes he is being backed by Derrick, Cody, Nicole, Brittany and Hayden.  Frankie has run about saying a lot to a lot of people, but at this point I think he is letting Zach think he will keep him without any real intention of doing so.  (This is because Frankie takes turns sticking his head up Devin and Caleb's asses repeatedly to keep them happy.  Not sure if he is afraid of them or looking for a little action in the HOH room...he and Devin did mention that the night the three of them slept up there was the only "action" the house has seen.  And some specific touches were mentioned...but I'll say no more on that -- it kinda makes me feel dirty!  lol  Anyway, Zach will need 7 votes to stay this week.  

Oh yeah, there was a pretty heated fight between Paola and Zach earlier too!  It happened around 3pm or so.  They were getting loud and one by one everyone around them dismissed themselves from the situation.  Then DR calls Zach in and after he returns they have a civil talk and Zach becomes Mr. Understanding.  Wonder what went on in that DR room?  But the situation appears to be diffused between them now.  They even got comfortable and the other HGs slowly and calmly returned to the couches.
The newly formed Team America alliance members, Donny, Derrick and Frankie, have been finding multiple opportunities to get together to swap ideas.  Derrick is telling them that obviously America believes the three of them can trust one  Poor misguided Derrick if he really believes that...but somehow I think he is smarter than that and just trying to use this on the other two.

So much chaos today and the game talk is still going.  Should be a great night for the live feeds (#BBLF) and Big Brother After Dark (#BBAD) .  We will be back with more - time to watch our monkeys dance!!

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