Thursday, July 3, 2014

Caleb Amber Devin and the Big House Meeting - Big Brother 16

After locked down in the BB16 house for a few hours our HGs got restless.  By the end of the evening, Caleb and Amber talked things out (as if there is so much to talk about - she DOESN'T like you Caleb! No discussion should be needed.).  Amber and Caleb agree that Devin just misunderstood a conversation that he walked into already in progress.  Personally I think that is a load of crap! I think Devin knew exactly what he was doing when he told Caleb all of that stuff.  

Caleb and Amber went off to discuss the whole thing once it came to light that Devin had passed along info that Amber said had not been said about Caleb in particular.  She claims she was talking to Paola about what their turn-offs in a guy are...which is when she said guys that once you get to know them, are really just all about themselves and completely self centered, etc.  Now if she wasn't talking about Caleb but Devin thought she was - doesn't that mean that Devin feels that description fit Caleb??  Think about that Caleb -- obviously Devin heard that description and was so sure it was about you that he even repeated it!  Some buddy, huh?

Devin then decided he needed to call a house meeting.  Why?  Who the hell knows!  He stood before them (well, everyone except Caleb and Amber, who were still in the other room finding 5000 ways to say the same friggin thing over and over), and then proceeded to speak with a shaky voice and vision blurred by the  tears he managed to squeeze out, and told what a good guy he really is and how he wants to confess to the lies and deceit he has been involved in.  He then proceeded to make a joke of Caleb's HOH by stating that he, Devin, had forced Caleb to nominate Donny.  Say what?  Yes folks, Devin tried to claim that he was personally responsible for Donny having been on the block, because of the suspicions he had concerning Donny's true identity.  Devin also uses his daughter as the reason for why he wants to play a clean game.  Again, do these HGs know what game they are playing?  How many of them are even familiar with Big Brother?  This is like the Kumbaya Crew or something!  The next time I hear Amber say "I just want us to all get along and be happy" I just might vomit!  But I digress, Devin totally uses his daughter (you know, the one he hasn't even seen in 3 and a half months PRIOR to entering the BB House?  Yes, that child that he just loves so much and is so close to and wants to make proud -- try actually being present in her life Devin - THAT might mean something!).

Then, as quickly as his meeting was pulled together, he was done and swiftly stole away to the safety of the HOH bathroom.  We were treated to the shot of an empty HOH room with audio feeding in from the bathroom providing Devin's suppressed sobs and loud sniffling.  What a joke!  Does he think anyone believes it?  (I know Derrick doesn't - heard him telling Frankie and Zach that he thought the whole display was BS.)

They also decided to let the Have Nots eat again.  It was a truly joyous occasion for them, celebrated with everything from pasta to pizza and some beautiful burgers.  A full out feast!

On another note, we heard Victoria attempting to talk game with Amber in the bed.  More like trying to explain the game to Amber really.  Not that it took.  I think Victoria wants to play the game, but she is just a little to fussy to actually get down and dirty and get into it.  Mentally she is ready, but she just can't stand the thought of actually breaking a sweat to compete really.

All around the house there were discussions going on after Devin's whole confession.  He may have just drawn a great big flashing target on his was there already for some of the HGs, but I believe it now has a neon flashing bulls-eye in the center.  We can only hope!

As long as we're talking about hope here...I also hope to see both Amber and Caleb on the block and leaving asap.  I can't stand either of them!  He is sooooo pathetic that it sickens me.  And Amber has no idea what she is doing in this house!  Sure she is nice and sweet and all that crap, but this is Big Brother - maybe she should have tried to get on It Takes a Church instead...that may have been a better fit.

Concerning the first live eviction, everything still points to Joey walking out that door.  If Paola went instead I'd be quite shocked...but it IS BB, so anything could happen...who knows what actually goes on on Thursdays when they block out our feeds for the better part of the day!

We'll be back soon with more on what is really going on in the Big Brother 16 house.  Be sure to like us on facebook -- get our posts, comments, BB alerts, observations, interesting screen caps and a place to tell us WHAT YOU REALLY THINK about what goes on inside the BB house!

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