BB Houseguests

The Big Brother Big Mouth Breakdown on the Big Brother House Guests!

(Photos from CBS Big Brother cast bios - click here for the CBS cast page, photos, full bios and videos)

BB 18  Houseguests

Corey Brooks - age 25

Corey is a realtor and kids' baseball coach from Dallas, Texas.  He's claiming to be an "off and on" fan, but I'm not buying it.  He likely knows little more than what he's been told.  He doesn't really stand out much so far...the usual selling himself as a good guy but what's new about that, right?  While he says he'll "do whatever it takes" to win and that "anything goes", I don't believe him.  He ultimately said he'd rather "lose and be loved."  Boooo Corey!!  Boooooo!!

Bronte D'Acquisto - age 26

Our first thoughts were "Oh my God!! My ears! Myyy eeeaaarrrrsss! They're bleeding!"  This girl has a voice from Hell!  BB has had their share of annoying voices but Bronte may take the cake!  She is also obviously not much of a fan but does seem to be going in with some strategy. This mathematician student from San Diego California plans to use math and science to make her way to the end.  She wants to get rid of the extremely logical people asap and plans on helping create and foster any showmances that may develop between other players in order to put targets on their backs.  This girl shows promise! She says she already has great friends and family, but that what she doesn't have is a half million dollars.  She admits she'd rather "win and be hated" who knows...maybe we can get past that voice??

Jozea Flores - age 25

Jozea (pronounced Joe-zay) as working as a amakeup artuist in NYC but is currently living in Los Angeles, California.  He is of Puerto Rican descent and says he plans on being true to himself and relying on athletic ability to succeed in the game.  He doesn't really sound like a fan but he does say he will "pull out  all the stops and tricks to win" and that he's  "going to be a Spartan" in the game. We'll see about that. Honestly, nothing really stood out about this guy other than his snazzy hat! LOL!

Paulie Calafiore - age 27

Paulie comes from Howell, New Jersey and says he is an "entrtainment entrepreneur", whatever that means.  If you couldn't already tell, he IS Cody's brother.  I have a feeling he won't let us forget it either.  Says he won't try to hide who he is because the Calafiore Brothers tattoo on his rib would pretty much give it away anyway.  He's relying on a strong social game and his extensive research on Big Brother to win the game for him.  Also says he'd "rather be hated as a winner than hailed as a loser" his brother was? I hope he gains an identity beyond Cody's brother.

Victor Arroyo - age 25

Victor is a gym manager from Slidell Louisiana. Having only seen a few seasons he calls himself a fan but not a super think?  This single Puerto Rican mister plans to "pull a Cody" and flirt with all the girls.  He believes his managing skills and degree in finance will help him make his way to the end. 

Paul Abrahamian - age 23

From Tarzana, California, Paul calls himself a clothing entrepreneur.  He'll try to remain amicable and easy going with his fellow HGs but expects his diary room sessions to get crazy.  He does say he is willing to lose that God awful beard he's sporting if it would get him closer to th win.  Great!  Maybe they can do something about his hair while they're at it!  He says he's there to "have a good time, cause chaos, and have fun."  He also promises the feeders that he will be wild and that he's "gonna do it all!"

Bridgette Dunning - age 24

She is a traveling ER nurse from Fresno, California, currently living in Ventura.  She says she's "a big fan" and seems to be really excited to be there.  She's a little too excited for me and she giggles constantly.  She does have a boyfriend and says there will be no showmances for her.  This self-proclaimed "really bad liar" still thinks she'll do good at the game using her work experience in stressful, fast paced, think on your feet situations along with her "sweet disposition" to get to the win.  She mentins hating people that bully others and people that trat others in a condescending thought she was a fan?? Does she expect her fellow HGs to all be nice? LOL!! And I sooo hope that was just nervous laughter and that that shit wears off.

Tiffany Russo - age 32

Tiffany is a high school math teacher, though she sure wasn't dressed like one!  She is more of a fan than some of the others, but not a super fan by far.  She's hoping bot to be too emotional, like her crybaby sister Vanessa.  Yes, she is Vanessa's sister from Palm Beach Gardens, Florida.  She didn't seem as willing to name drop her sister's name like Paulie did his brother's.  Maybe Tiffany plans on being her own player and making a name for herself instead.

Michelle Meyer - age 23

Yay!  We have us a super fan, finally!  Michelle is a recent graduate from Washington Township, Michigan that studied to be a dietician.  She watches both US and international BB shows, so this really is a dream come true for her.  She does have an annoying voice but she's kind of funny too.  She says she'd rather "win and be hated, hands down."  Michelle has "no problem lying, breaking alliances" or whatever it takes to win.  

Glenn Garcia - age 50

This engaged mobile dog groomer from the Bronx says he is versatile and blends in with people easily.  While his personality and demeanor suggest he may be right, I think he may have some trouble blending when he's the only older guy in the house.  Glenn says he's prepared to do whatever it takes to win, but that may not be enough.  He strikes me as one that may be able to fly under the radar for a little while since he likely won't be maing waves.

Natalie Negrotti - age 26

This non-profit event planner works in New York lives in Franklin Park, NewJersey, and originally comes from Caracas, Venezuela.  She wants to start an all-girl allianc and he favorite colors are "pink and glitter"...oh gag me..seriously?  She doesn't seem too bright, but in the game of Big Brother that doesn't always matter.  She calls herself a fan but sounds more like a casual viewer.  Maybe it will change once I see more, but as of right now, no, not impressed.

Zakiyah Everette - age 24

This preschool teacher from Charlotte, North Carolina may be best prepared for Big Brother becuse she's used to dealing with 3 year-olds and their tamtrums over insane things.  It also doesn't hurt that she is a super fan that has been watching since season 3.  She is more than ready to use her feminity and is likely showmance bound if we have any takers...who am I kidding...its Big Brother...they can always find a taker! LOL!  She laughs a lot and seems friendly enough but said she knows you have to lie and manipulate and she's ready to do it all!  And in case you're curious, it's pronounced Za-kee-ah.

BB17 Houseguests


And here we are, ready to begin the 2015 season!  #BB17 is going to be a good one, I can feel it!  Just check out this season's cast.  What a crew!  And nobody over 33?  A house full of young ones we let's get on to our first impressions of the Big Brother17 houseguests...

Audrey Middleton - Age 25 - From Villa Rica, Georgia

Meet Audrey, formerly known as Adam.  Yes, you heard me, Big Brother has decided to bring a transgender into the mix.  Audrey is a digital media consultant...and can chew her gum non-stop and keep talking! Wow! What talent!  So she can't remember the last time she cried in front of anyone, huh?  Bet she won't be able to say THAT by the end of the summer!  She said something about "fear is an illusion"...we'll see how much of an illusion it is the first time she's facing a nomination, because I have a feeling that fear is about to get pretty damn real!  I predict plenty of tear-filled diary room sessions from this little self-proclaimed "misunderstood hero" super fan.

 Austin Matelson - Age 30 - From Woodland Hills, California

Oh boy!  Check out those wild eyes!!  I think CBS found us a live one folks!  This guy is unconventional and very smart.  A wrestler and fitness buff, this guy has a hell of a plan going in.  He says he's watched since season 1 and he obviously knows how to win over the fans.  He's off to a smart start for getting America's Favorite by letting us in on a little secret.  When Austin puts on the top hat, he becomes Judas.  And when Judas is around, anything goes.  So watch out for the top hat fans, because it means trouble is afoot!  Right now, I'm liking this guy, but we all know, these entrance interviews can be pretty deceiving sometimes.

Becky Burgess - Age 26 - From Denver, Colorado

So Becky is a retail manager at a big clothing store...and she's even opened a large international store...and she's so damn perky I just might puke!! Can't wait to watch BB knock that crap right out of her!  LOL  She described herself as a leader, optimistic, loud, silly, goofy, and used to managing high schoolers.  Well, the last part of that may come in handy.  If you ask me, she's non-committal and indecisive, because she skirted all questions really and sucks at giving direct answers.  Hopefully she'll be more interesting once she gets in the house.

Clay Honeycutt - Age 23 - From Dickinson, TX    Living in College Station, TX

The best looking house guest by far, Clay here is really playing up that small town country boy charm.  Only problem with that is Mr. Small Town Country boy was raised mere minutes from Houston, so don't let him fool ya'!  He's only watched BB recently, and up until 4 months ago, had never even heard of it.  How dare he call himself a super offensive!  He said he wants to make his family proud...hope he keeps in mind the cameras run 24/7, because many have attempted, and many have failed.  LOL  I think this guy is planning on using his pretty face to get through the summer.

Da'Vonne Rogers - Age 27 - From Inglewood, CA   Living in Los Angeles

This is Da'Vonne, prounounced DAYvon.  Like BB16's Devin, Da'Vonne has a daughter.  I have a feeling she may remind us of this throughout the season since this is the first time she's been away from her 7 month old daughter.  She says she has been a fan since season 1 and she laughs a lot...and I mean A LOT.  This could get annoying.  She says she's loud, outspoken and a straight-shooter.  In the BB house these qualities could turn ugly quick.  Oh, and did I mention, she has a daughter!

Jace Agolli - Age 23 - From Dunswoody, GA   Living in Venice Beach

Oh boy, what to say.  He seems a little goofy to me.  He says he gets along with anybody and talked a lot about his being an adrenaline junkie.  He may get bored pretty quick in the BB house.  I don't think he seems to have a clear game plan going in.  I think he may be this season's Hayden.  He will likely skate by for a while just based on the idea he comes off as very non-threatening.  And his big ass-kissing of America --GAG!

James Huling - Age 31 - From Sumter, SC   Living in Wichita Falls, TX

Wow!  His accent is something.  He seems likeable enough and puts me in mind of Judd.  He, too, has a daughter, and a wife and son as well.  He is ex-military and was raised in a boys home as a child, so he has experience dealing with a diverse group of people.  This could come in really handy and provide some interesting stories.  He said he is the "first hillbilly Asian" on BB, so at least we know he does have a sense of humor.

Jason Roy - Age 25 - From Fall River, MA   Living in Swansea, MA

Visually, he reminds me of Ian, but I don't know that is intelligence will prove as great.  He's quite the petite little thing and may not be seen as a threat initially.  His Massachusetts accent is cute, but the poor guy's voice has never changed!  Seems pretty cutthroat and plans on being the "gay glue" in an all-female alliance.  A huge super fan and live feeder, this hungry, mouthy, smoker may be a loose cannon in the house.

John McGuire - Age 27 - From Scranton, PA   Living in Jefferson Township, PA

John is a dentist and sure to be flashing that well paid for smile.  He's not jumping out as anything special at the moment.  Says his biggest concerns in the house are the California heat and earthquakes...really John?  He's either never really seen this show or he's so overly confident that he'll be one of the biggest asses on BB ever.  He's saying he is a super fan, but I think he may be a super ass...we'll see.

Liz Nolan - Age 23 - From Miami, FL

Well isn't she full of herself?!?!  Think she might have put on some clothes for the interview?  Maybe she's really playing to try to pay off those boobs!  LOL  I find her voice annoying...very annoying...are they sure SHE isn't the transgender one?  Whaaaa?  Who said that?  I know, I know...I'm so mean!  Get used to it!  She obviously thinks she is pretty hot and plans on flaunting both her body and single status to further her game if possible...shocker!  Psssst - she also said Frankie was one of her favorite players -- eeewwww!  I think I'm done with her already!

Meg Maley - Age 25 - From Collingswood, NJ   Living in New York City
Flip that head around there girly...flip to the right, flip to the left...a cameraman's nightmare if you ask me!  And she is another Frankie fan...excuse me while I gag.  She says she is a goofy girl...and I believe her.  She is a bit loud and may be overbearing.  Perkiness level is over the top.  She says that she's ready to play the game and do the necessary backstabbing, but I don't know.  Hopefully she'll surprise me, but I have my doubts. She'll probably be a crier and she's really concerned about becoming bored. Too bad!

Shelli Poole - Age 33 - From Marietta, GA   Living in Atlanta, GA

This home stager is a single, serial dater.  She says she is very family oriented and feels coming from a big family with 4 siblings will help her because she is used to living with a bunch of people.  Somehow I think this will be a little different in the BB house.  She also says she wants to lay low in the beginning to give her time to size up the competition.  Her strategy is to "continuously adapt", which to me says, I have no strategy.  Right now, she really doesn't stand out much to me.


  Steve Moses - Age 22 - From Gouverneur, New York

He is obviously very intelligent, but I don't think he'll be the Ian of this season necessarily.  He does seem a bit goofy, but its likely what he uses to disarm people.  He says he is a huge super fan and live feeder.  Says he will play the cute and innocent card to make people trust him and perceive him as a  non-threat.  He is single, but said he doesn't want the target that a showmance puts on your back. Hmmmm...

Vanessa Rousso - Age 32 - From Las Vegas, NV

She is telling the other HGs that she is a DJ, but she makes most of her money as a professional poker player.  If it comes out, I do hope she keeps the fact that she's won $4.5 million off of it quiet.  She says she's never been away from her girlfriend for more than 4 days and she knows it will be hard.  I hope she isn't a crier too!  Said she is afraid of public humiliation...wrong show for you honey!  Just wait till she reads all of the stuff after the season!  LOL. And her motto to "be right, be fair, have heart"?  That will just not work in this game.  But like I said before, these entrance interviews CAN be deceptive!


Houseguests of BB16

The Big Brother 16 Cast

So, going in, we all know the first impression we get never really matches up with who we see once they slip into a quasi-comfort zone.  But with that in mind, we are ready to give our #BB16 character assassinations...errr, assessments, based on the bios and premeditated interviews we've been presented.  Ready?  Here we go...

Amber Borzotra  Age 23 From Knoxville, TN

She seems like she may be a competitor athletically, but her immaturity could cause problems.  Her answers are inconsistent, leaving her sounding a little wishy-washy to us.  She'll probably vote with the house on everything she can, just because the thought of not being liked and accepted will scare her too bad.  And what an annoying voice too!  We expect her to be another one of those ladies who still thinks she is a cute teenager, but at 26...get over it girl!

Brittany Martinez   Age 29 From Long Beach, CA, living in South Bay, CA

Right off the bat I want to say, I believe she MUST be a recruit.  She called herself a "recent fan", which translates to "I don't know crap about this game and really have no idea what I'm in for!"  Sometimes this can be humorous, but right now we'll just peg her as a crier.  With 3 kids she says she's never been away from and the stress of this house - yeahhh...get ready for the waterworks!

Caleb Reynolds   Age 26 From Dallas, TX, living in Hopkinsville, KY

Oh boy...this guy might be a doozie!  He thinks he's the shit and you can see he has womanizer written all over him.  He is definitely showmance minded, but only to further his game.  He says he'll be mindful that his family is watching his every move, yet follows it with saying he'll do anything it takes to win.  His self-declared charm is phoney at best.  He may have been in the military, but in this house, he's no hero!

Christine Brecht   Age 26 From Tuscon, AZ

Our first Super Fan!  Yes!  She appears to be a little on the eccentric side, but her intelligence definitely shows.  She is relying on her mental and social game to get her through.  Probably a good idea since we think she likely lacks the physical stamina it takes to get through the tough challenges.  But then again, looks can be deceptive...let's hope she shocks us!

Cody Calafiore   Age 23   From Hackensack, NJ, living in Howell, NJ  

Hmmm...what to say about Cody.  Mr. Salesman thinks he'll use his power of persuasion to bend the other HGs to his will, does he?  So confident and power hungry he even wants to win the first HOH.  He really seems to think his talking skills will get him through, but sometimes too much talking bites them in the ass in the end.  Ultimately, I can't look past thew fact that he was a pretty boy advice writer for the readers of Seventeen magazine not so long ago.  This guy might be really overbearing!

Derrick Levasseur   Age 30   From Providence, RI

This poor ugly guy may just have the best chance of winning this based on our first impression.  He has his shit together.  His plan: suck 'em in, exploit them as needed, discard and defeat.  Sounds like a winner to us!!  His experience as an undercover cop may just make him lethal.  But then again, he says he'll not go too far or doing anything to jeopardize his reputation or character with his family, friends and job.  It is of the utmost importance.  Some have pulled that off and still won...but we think it may be a personal roadblock in some ways too.


Devin Shepherd   Age 26   From Santa Barbara, CA, living in San Antonio, TX

 And here is their obligatory body builder body.  Devin sounds like he is relying solely on his physical strength to get him through the game, but just because they're buff doesn't mean they play worth a crap (remember Howard?).  He keeps mentioning that daughter of his, and if it is true and not just trying to make himself look good, it may prove to be pretty hard on him being away from her.  His bio said he likes to "relax on the beach"...say what??  Not in San Antonio he ain't!  And one other fact - he gets hangry!  Bwahahahaha - can't wait to see him as a Have Not!


Donny Thompson   Age 42   From Albemarle, NC

His accent matches his wanna-be Duck Dynasty appearance.  In spite of his appearance, he is NOT a hunter.  This guy is a loner.  He acts like acceptance and approval of the other HGs is important, but considering hes lived alone for so long, bonding with a younger, very different set of people may be tough for him.  Then again, being a loner he's likely suspicious of people by second nature, which he'll need in this environment.  He speaks of his "compassion" - if its real, it could prove to be a liability.  And he says he's not a good liar.  But is he lying when he said that??  We'll see.


Frankie Grande   Age 31   From Boca Raton, FL, living in New York, NY

He says he is a BB fan and that he is afraid people may recognize him from his huge social media following.  Personally, I have no idea who this guy or his "super famous sister" are...but I guess he thinks he's famous already.  LOL  If the other HGs don't know who he is, how much you wanna bet he throws that "let's keep it quiet for game play" to the wind just so he can inform them just how great he thinks he is.  We are happy to report that this guy doesn't seem as overbearing as his appearance suggests...or at least not yet.  Then again, his "layers" haven't peeled away yet, and he may have just been on good behavior in light of the fact he was pretty blinded by and mesmerized with the sight of Jeff. 


Hayden Voss   Age 21   From Marlborough, MA, living in Long Beach, CA

The first thing we see is that big ol' goofy smile.  His aloofness and goofy look may be disarming, or it could be disturbing.  Too soon to call on that one.  He mentions "assuming" there is a lot of free time in the house.  Assumes?  Hasn't he seen this show??  Must be a recruit.  He seems pretty set on keeping his eye on the prize, but a showmance along the way isn't out of the question.  The bigger question is which one of those girls would be willing to be linked with that odd ball with the too big grin?

Jocasta Odom   Age 33   From Griffin, GA, living in Hampton, GA

Confidence is the first word that comes to mind.  She is soooo confident that she may just be too confident.  She thinks she has no down side and that she'll have no downfall.  She mentions not looking forward to the cold showers though, which says she already expects to be a Have Not.  Maybe the confidence is more for show?  As fast as she talks I already dread any whisper-fests she's involved in!  She has had two pregnancies both involving bed rest ranging from 3 to 5 months, so she already has experience in laying around doing nothing while still in a highly stressful situation...that may actually come in handy.

Joey VanPelt   Age 27   From Seattle, WA

Well, she might like the ladies, but back off...she's no lesbian!  She says she wants to be one of the nicest people in the house.  Her bio also said she won't poop with guys in the house.  Say what?  Three months without pooping?? She definitely won't be being too nice!  She seems like a nice person, but she wants others to acknowledge it too.  I'll bet the first person that is mean to her or tells her she isn't nice and she'll be cry-babying around the house.  Unless she meant what she said about "fighting with her hands", because in that case, she just might be fun!!

Nicole Franzel   Age 21   Ubly, MI

She is by far the cutest girl in the house AND she's a super fan.  This will probably make her a target for the other women.  Nicole has 3 things the others don't - she's cuter, younger and more intelligent.  The intelligence may be able to be toned down enough to not intimidate the other HGs so badly, but the age and looks she's stuck with.  She said she likes to study - I sure hope that includes the study of people and interpersonal relations because any other mentally stimulating material will be scarce.

Paola Shea   Age 27   From East Hampton, CT, living in Astoria, NY

I can't put my finger on it, but there is something about this lady I find offensive.  I'm sure I'll figure it out as soon as the feeds come on though.  She's a little abrasive, posed in Maxim magazine at some point, and seems to focus her whole identity around the fact she is a "female DJ".  Well there is no music here to use as a prop, hell, they can't even sing! So we'll just have to see how that works out for her.  And on a side note - what 27 year old DJ doesn't know what the hell an 8-track is?  Seriously, even if she's never used one, she should at least know what it is!  Come on!


Victoria Rafaeli   Age 22   From Brooklyn, NY + Holon, Israel, living in Weston, FL

Based on the bio, she's a real momma's girl, so this may be an emotional ride for her.  Overall she sounds like a spoiled little rich kid.  Her ear-splitting, nasally voice may just kill me this summer.  If anyone finds me knocked out with my ears bleeding, I think its safe to blame Victoria.  We are voting her Most Likely to Lead a Group Dance.  She thinks she is gorgeous and is her own biggest fan.  She says she has an aura that is all around her, but I think its probably just the shadow from that big honkin' nose. 


Zach Rance   Age 23   From Palm Beach, FL 

Wow! Check out that hair!  It kinda reminds me of a duckling!  He calls himself a "con-man", and if hes good at it, I'm sure that will help.  He appears to be completely money driven and really focused on winning the cash.  In fact, he says he will "lie, cheat, steal and KILL for that money."  He says he knows a showmance is not the way to go, but I think the odds are he'll hook up with someone and become a human ball of mush.  His love of golf may provide some skills useful in challenges, but he also thinks he has a great social game.  He believes he can "control the wants and desires" of the other HGs and said "if they don't like me, I'll MAKE them like me!"  Don't know how good a player he'll be, but right now he's at least comical!


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